Class: RDF::N3::Algebra::Time::InSeconds
- Inherits:
- Object
- SPARQL::Algebra::Operator
- SPARQL::Algebra::Operator::Binary
- ResourceOperator
- RDF::N3::Algebra::Time::InSeconds
- Defined in:
- vendor/bundler/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/gems/rdf-n3-a6ef81a7e1ce/lib/rdf/n3/algebra/time/in_seconds.rb
Iff the subject is a xsd:dateTime
and the object is the integer number of seconds since the beginning of the era on a given system. Don't assume a particular value, always test for it. The object can be calculated as a function of the subject.
Constant Summary collapse
Constants included from Util::Logger
Constants inherited from SPARQL::Algebra::Operator::Binary
Constants inherited from SPARQL::Algebra::Operator
SPARQL::Algebra::Operator::ARITY, SPARQL::Algebra::Operator::IsURI
Constants included from SPARQL::Algebra::Expression
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes included from Enumerable
Attributes included from SPARQL::Algebra::Query
Attributes inherited from SPARQL::Algebra::Operator
Instance Method Summary collapse
#input_operand ⇒ RDF::Term
Return both subject and object operands.
#resolve(resource, position:) ⇒ RDF::Term
The time:inseconds operator takes may have either a bound subject or object.
#valid?(subject, object) ⇒ Boolean
Either subject or object must be a bound resource.
Methods inherited from ResourceOperator
Methods included from Builtin
#each, #evaluate, #hash, #rank, #to_uri
Methods included from Util::Logger
#log_debug, #log_depth, #log_error, #log_fatal, #log_info, #log_recover, #log_recovering?, #log_statistics, #log_warn, #logger
Methods included from Enumerable
add_entailment, #canonicalize, #canonicalize!, #dump, #each_graph, #each_object, #each_predicate, #each_quad, #each_statement, #each_subject, #each_term, #each_triple, #entail, #enum_graph, #enum_object, #enum_predicate, #enum_quad, #enum_statement, #enum_subject, #enum_term, #enum_triple, #graph?, #graph_names, #invalid?, #method_missing, #object?, #objects, #predicate?, #predicates, #project_graph, #quad?, #quads, #respond_to_missing?, #statement?, #statements, #subject?, #subjects, #supports?, #term?, #terms, #to_a, #to_h, #to_set, #triple?, #triples, #validate!
Methods included from Util::Aliasing::LateBound
Methods included from Isomorphic
#bijection_to, #isomorphic_with?
Methods included from Countable
Methods included from SPARQL::Algebra::Update
#execute, #graph_name=, #unshift, #variables
Methods included from SPARQL::Algebra::Query
#each_solution, #empty?, #execute, #failed?, #graph_name=, #matched?, #query_yields_boolean?, #query_yields_solutions?, #query_yields_statements?, #unshift, #variables
Methods inherited from SPARQL::Algebra::Operator::Binary
Methods inherited from SPARQL::Algebra::Operator
#aggregate?, arity, base_uri, #base_uri, base_uri=, #bind, #boolean, #constant?, #deep_dup, #each_descendant, #eql?, #evaluatable?, evaluate, #executable?, #first_ancestor, for, #formulae, #initialize, #inspect, #ndvars, #node?, #operand, #optimize, #optimize!, #parent, #parent=, prefixes, #prefixes, prefixes=, #rewrite, #to_binary, #to_sparql, to_sparql, #to_sxp, #to_sxp_bin, #validate!, #variable?, #variables, #vars
Methods included from SPARQL::Algebra::Expression
cast, #constant?, #evaluate, extension, extension?, extensions, for, #invalid?, new, #node?, open, #optimize, #optimize!, parse, register_extension, #to_sxp_bin, #validate!, #variable?
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from SPARQL::Algebra::Operator::Binary
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class RDF::Enumerable
Instance Method Details
#input_operand ⇒ RDF::Term
Return both subject and object operands.
54 55 56 |
# File 'vendor/bundler/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/gems/rdf-n3-a6ef81a7e1ce/lib/rdf/n3/algebra/time/in_seconds.rb', line 54 def input_operand operands) end |
#resolve(resource, position:) ⇒ RDF::Term
The time:inseconds operator takes may have either a bound subject or object.
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 |
# File 'vendor/bundler/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/gems/rdf-n3-a6ef81a7e1ce/lib/rdf/n3/algebra/time/in_seconds.rb', line 17 def resolve(resource, position:) case position when :subject case resource when RDF::Query::Variable resource when RDF::Literal # Subject evaluates to seconds from the epoc"%s")) else nil end when :object case resource when RDF::Query::Variable resource when RDF::Literal resource = resource.as_number # Object evaluates to the DateTime representation of the seconds form the epoc RDF::Literal( else nil end end end |
#valid?(subject, object) ⇒ Boolean
Either subject or object must be a bound resource
44 45 46 47 48 |
# File 'vendor/bundler/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/gems/rdf-n3-a6ef81a7e1ce/lib/rdf/n3/algebra/time/in_seconds.rb', line 44 def valid?(subject, object) return true if subject.literal? || object.literal? log_error(NAME) {"subject or object are not literals: #{subject.inspect}, #{object.inspect}"} false end |