RDFa Test Suite

Report on RDF.rb running rdfa1.1 with host language xml1 .

Test 0001: Predicate establishment with @property.

Tests @property to establish the predicate; literal object is in the content of the element..

Result: PASS

Test 0006: @rel and @rev.

Tests @rev and @rel together, with the object being specified by @href, ignoring content.

Result: PASS

Test 0007: @rel, @rev, @property, @content.

Tests @rel, @rev, @property, and @content together to generate several RDF triples..

Result: PASS

Test 0008: empty string @about.

Tests empty @about..

Result: PASS

Test 0009: @rev.

Tests @rev..

Result: PASS

Test 0010: @rel, @rev, @href.

Tests @rel, @rev, and @href to generate two RDF triples..

Result: PASS

Test 0012: @xml:lang.

Tests @xml:lang.

Result: PASS

Test 0013: @xml:lang inheritance.

Tests @xml:lang inheritance.

Result: PASS

Test 0014: @datatype, xsd:integer.

Tests setting the @datatype to xsd:integer.

Result: PASS

Test 0015: meta and link.

Tests meta and link with no parent @about.

Result: PASS

Test 0017: Related blanknodes.

Tests creation of statements involving explicitly created blank nodes..

Result: PASS

Test 0018: @rel for predicate.

Tests @rel to establish predicate..

Result: PASS

Test 0019: @about for subject.

Tests @about to establish subject..

Result: PASS

Test 0020: Inheriting @about for subject.

Tests @about inheritance to establish subject..

Result: PASS

Test 0021: Subject inheritance with no @about.

Tests inheritance of subject when no @about can be found.

Result: PASS

Test 0023: @id does not generate subjects.

Tests that @id does not generate subjects.

Result: PASS

Test 0025: simple chaining test.

Tests simple chaining with cascade of @resource and @property.

Result: PASS

Test 0026: @content.

Tests @content for literal object.

Result: PASS

Test 0027: @content, ignore element content.

Tests @content for literal object, overriding element content..

Result: PASS

Test 0029: markup stripping with @datatype.

Tests markup stripping from a span element with @datatype=xsd:string.

Result: PASS

Test 0030: omitted @about.

Tests omitted @about..

Result: PASS

Test 0031: simple @resource.

Tests if @resource sets URIref object correct..

Result: PASS

Test 0032: @resource overrides @href.

Tests if @resource overrides @href to set the URIref object..

Result: PASS

Test 0033: simple chaining test with bNode.

Tests simple chaining with cascade of bNode and @property.

Result: PASS

Test 0034: simple img[@src] test.

Tests if a @src (in img element) correctly sets the URIref object.

Result: PASS

Test 0035: @src/@href test.

Tests if @href overwrites @src.

Result: PASS

Test 0036: @src/@resource test.

Tests if @resource overwrites @src.

Result: PASS

Test 0037: @src/@href/@resource test.

Tests if @resource overwrites both @href and @src.

Result: PASS

Test 0038: @rev - img[@src] test.

Tests if a @src (in img element) correctly sets the URIref subject (due to @rev).

Result: PASS

Test 0039: @rev - @src/@href test.

Tests if @href overwrites @src correctly to set the URIref subject (due to @rev).

Result: PASS

Test 0041: @rev - @src/@href/@resource test.

Tests if @resource overwrites both @href and @src correctly to set the URIref subject (due to @rev).

Result: PASS

Test 0048: @typeof with @about and @rel present, no @resource.

Tests @typeof with @about and @rel present, no @resource.

Result: PASS

Test 0049: @typeof with @about, no @rel or @resource.

Tests @typeof with @about, no @rel or @resource.

Result: PASS

Test 0050: @typeof without anything else.

Tests @typeof without anything else.

Result: PASS

Test 0051: @typeof with a single @property.

Tests @typeof with a single @property.

Result: PASS

Test 0052: @typeof with @resource and nothing else.

Tests to ensure that @typeof does not apply to @resource.

Result: PASS

Test 0053: @typeof with @resource and nothing else, with a subelement.

Tests to make sure that @typeof does not apply to @resource, but @resource sets the subject for the next triple to be generated.

Result: PASS

Test 0054: multiple @property.

Tests multiple @property separated by white spaces.

Result: PASS

Test 0055: multiple @rel.

Tests multiple @rel separated by white spaces.

Result: PASS

Test 0056: @typeof applies to @about on same element with hanging rel.

Tests if @typeof applies to @about on same element with hanging @rel.

Result: PASS

Test 0057: hanging @rel creates multiple triples.

Tests if hanging @rel creates multiple triples.

Result: PASS

Test 0058: hanging @rel creates multiple triples, @typeof permutation.

Tests if hanging @rel creates multiple triples with @typeof permutation.

Result: PASS

Test 0059: multiple hanging @rels with multiple children.

Tests multiple hanging @rels with multiple children.

Result: PASS

Test 0060: UTF-8 conformance.

Tests conformance with UTF-8 encoding.

Result: PASS

Test 0063: @rel in head using reserved XHTML value and empty-prefix CURIE syntax.

Tests @rel in head using reserved XHTML value and empty-prefix CURIE syntax.

Result: PASS

Test 0064: @about with safe CURIE.

Tests if @about generates a proper triple when a safe CURIE is used.

Result: PASS

Test 0065: @rel with safe CURIE.

Tests if @rel properly connects triples generated when safe CURIEs are used.

Result: PASS

Test 0067: @property in the head.

Test to make sure that @property in head uses the implied current document as the subject if no other subject is specified.

Result: PASS

Test 0068: Relative URI in @about.

Tests to ensure that relative URI is resolved correctly when used in @about.

Result: PASS

Test 0071: No explicit @about.

Tests to ensure that a triple is generated even if @typeof and @about is not specified anywhere in the document.

Result: PASS

Test 0078: Multiple incomplete triples.

Tests multiple ways of handling incomplete triples; the first two triples should use the same bnode as subject ('merged'). The third should have a separate bNode..

Result: PASS

Test 0079: @resource and @href in completing incomplete triples.

Tests role of @resource and @href in completing incomplete triples (including their mutual priorities).

Result: PASS

Test 0080: @about overrides @resource in incomplete triples.

Tests if @about has a higher priority than @resource in handling incomplete triples.

Result: PASS

Test 0081: multiple ways of handling incomplete triples (with @rev).

Tests multiple ways of handling incomplete triples, this time with @rev.

Result: PASS

Test 0082: multiple ways of handling incomplete triples (with @rel and @rev).

Tests multiple ways of handling incomplete triples, this time with both @rel and @rev.

Result: PASS

Test 0083: multiple ways of handling incomplete triples (merged).

Tests multiple ways of handling incomplete triples; the first two triples should use the same bNode as subject ('merged'); the third case should use @about.

Result: PASS

Test 0084: multiple ways of handling incomplete triples, this time with both @rel and @rev.

Tests multiple ways of handling incomplete triples, this time with both @rel and @rev. There is an intermediate div that should be ignored by the process.

Result: PASS

Test 0085: @resource and @href in completing incomplete triples.

Tests the role of @resource and @href in completing incomplete triples (including their mutual priorities), but with an intermediate layer (ie, bNode) added.

Result: PASS

Test 0087: All reserved XHTML @rel values (with :xxx).

Tests to ensure that all reserved XHTML words are supported in @rel (with :xxx).

Result: PASS

Test 0088: Interpretation of the CURIE "_:".

Test the interpretation of the CURIE "_:".

Result: PASS

Test 0089: @src sets a new subject (@typeof).

Tests to ensure that @src sets a new subject (focuses on @typeof)..

Result: PASS

Test 0091: Non-reserved, un-prefixed CURIE in @property.

Tests to ensure that non-reserved, un-prefixed CURIEs, when used in @property, generate triples..

Result: PASS

Test 0093: Tests XMLLiteral content with explicit @datatype (user-data-typed literal).

Tests the explicit specification of an RDF XMLLiteral with @datatype using a non-RDF namespace, yielding a user-data-typed literal.

Result: PASS

Test 0099: Preservation of white space in literals.

Tests the preservation of white space in literals..

Result: PASS

Test 0104: rdf:value.

Tests rdf:value with blank nodes to give a value with a unit.

Result: PASS

Test 0106: chaining with empty value in inner @rel.

Tests the behavior of triple generation in the case where the inner @rel is defined, but is blank, which halts chaining..

Result: PASS

Test 0107: no garbage collecting bnodes.

Checks to make sure that that while we shouldn't garbage collect bnodes no triples are generated..

Result: PASS

Test 0108: plain literal with datatype="" and xml:lang preservation.

Checks to make sure that the RDFa parser emits a plain literal when the datatype is specified as "" and preserves the xml:lang value. The text, with control characters and whitespace preserved, reads "Greek white space "..

Result: PASS

Test 0112: plain literal with datatype="".

Checks to make sure that the RDFa parser emits a plain literal when the datatype is specified as ""..

Result: PASS

Test 0113: element with @property and no child nodes generates empty plain literal.

Checks to make sure that an element with @property and no child nodes generates empty plain literal..

Result: PASS

Test 0115: XML Entities must be supported by RDFa parser.

Checks to make sure that XML Entities are treated properly by the RDFa parser..

Result: PASS

Test 0118: empty string "" is not equivalent to NULL - @about.

Checks to make sure that the empty string "" isn't considered as NULL in languages such as Javascript when generating triples. This test sets the subject in a chain using @href and then immediately changes the subject using @about and generates a triple. A buggy parser may use the @href subject (http://example.org/javascript.html) instead of the one defined by @about..

Result: PASS

Test 0119: "[prefix:]" CURIE format is valid.

Checks to make sure that an RDFa processor expands CURIEs having only a prefix and a colon if a prefix is properly defined using xmlns. .

Result: PASS

Test 0120: "[:]" CURIE format is valid.

Checks to make sure that an RDFa processor expands CURIEs having only a colon to the default prefix "http://www.w3.org/1999/test-cases/vocab#". .

Result: PASS

Test 0121: "[]" is a valid safe CURIE.

Checks to make sure RDFa processors resolve the empty CURIE correctly. Note that this is not valid HTML due to recursive


Result: PASS

Test 0122: resource="[]" does not set the object since RDFa does not allow non-prefixed CURIEs.

Checks to make sure that resource="[]" does not set the object since RDFa does not allow non-prefixed CURIEs. .

Result: PASS

Test 0126: Multiple @typeof values.

Checks to ensure that multiple (white space separated) values in @typeof trigger multiple rdf:type triples..

Result: PASS

Test 0140: Underscore is not allowed in xmlns.

Ensures that a prefix cannot start with an underscore character when specified using xmlns..

Result: PASS

Test 0147: xmlns prefix 'xmlzzz' (reserved).

Ensures that RDFa processors allow the prefix 'xmlzzz', even though it is a reserved prefix in XML..

Result: PASS

Test 0174: Support single character prefix in CURIEs.

Checks to ensure that the RDFa processor correctly processes single character prefixes when processing CURIEs..

Result: PASS

Test 0175: Property is URI.

Checks to make sure that a URI may be used as a @property value.

Result: PASS

Test 0176: Rel and Rev is URI.

Checks to make sure that a URI may be used as @rel and @rev values.

Result: PASS

Test 0180: Test @prefix with empty mapping.

Checks to make sure @prefix with empty prefix does not create a mapping..

Result: PASS

Test 0181: Test default XHTML vocabulary.

Checks Tests a CURIE with default namespace uses XHTML Vocabulary namespace..

Result: PASS

Test 0196: Test process explicit XMLLiteral.

XMLLiteral must be explicitly specified, otherwise a normal untyped literal is created.

Result: PASS

Test 0206: Usage of Default Profile.

Tests whether the default RDFa 1.1 context (which contains prefix definitions, among others, to the Semantic Web Standard vocabularies) is properly handled..

Result: PASS

Test 0207: Vevent using @typeof.

Tests Vevent using @typeof (inlc. dtstart, dtend, etc.).

Result: PASS

Test 0213: Datatype generation for a literal with XML content, version 1.1.

In RDFa 1.1, even if a literal contains XML elements, and no explicit datatype is set, the result is plain literal.

Result: PASS

Test 0214: Root element has implicit @about="".

All documents have an implicit @about="".

Result: PASS

Test 0229: img[@src] test with omitted @about.

Tests if a @src (in img element) does not set the URIref object (with omitted @about) -- from 0042.

Result: PASS

Test 0235: rdfagraph='processor' does not generate standard triples.

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' does not output standard triples.

Result: PASS

Test 0236: rdfagraph='processor' with a markup error generates rdfa:Error.

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' generates an rdf:Error.

Result: PASS

Test 0237: rdfagraph='processor' with invalid SafeCURIE generates rdfa:Warning.

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' generates an rdf:Warning when given a SafeCURIE with an invalid prefix. .

Result: PASS

Test 0238: rdfagraph='processor' with missing Term definition generates rdfa:Warning.

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' generates an rdf:Warning when given a missing Term definition. .

Result: PASS

Test 0239: rdfagraph='processor' with undefined prefix generates rdfa:Warning.

Setting rdfagraph query parameter to 'processor' generates an rdf:Warning when given a SafeCURIE with an undefined prefix. .

Result: PASS